
Simple Opt-in Form

Make it easy to signup

This simple form makes it easy for someone to join your mobile alerts list. All they have to do is enter their number, and we'll send a welcome text.

See Example

Contact Form 1

Pre-buit Contact Form

You can customize these forms to meet your needs. Don't see an option you want? Just let us know, and we'll help you!

See Example

Contact Form 2

Pre-buit Contact Form

You can customize these forms to meet your needs. Don't see an option you want? Just let us know, and we'll help you!

See Example

QR & Short Codes

Make it EASY to Act In the moment

Ideal for events, mailers, and social media. Make it easy to take action in the moment. Set up autoresponders or reply with custom prompts, directing people to a website or donation page, then jump in to communicate with them anytime.

See Example


Text to Give or Text to pledge

Perfect for events! The audience can make or pledge a donation and share a message to display on the board. The thermometer rises, and the donation is processed through your existing fundraising platform. You can customize it to your needs.

See Example


Grow your list fast!

Ideal for growing your list fast.  Simply text the contacts you already know and ask that they share your cause or goal with their friends. They then forward to the contacts on their phones. They are added to your CRM when they click the link and sign up!

See Example

Clickable HD Videos


Add a video to your website or share via text message and drive engagement with a button that displays while the video plays.


Contact Insights

Improve Segmentation & Messaging

Match mobile numbers to a massive donor and contact information database to better understand demographics and preferences.



We love your ideas

Don't see a widget that meets your needs? Please tell us what you need and we'll explore building one just for you.

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